Limited free parking for staff helps patients & visitors to still park
To help make sure Southend Hospital has enough parking for patients it has taken the difficult decision to end free parking for staff without parking permits.
As much as we'd like to offer all staff continued free parking, it isn't something that is possible with the return to more normal services and levels of patients and visitors. There simply isn't enough room to do so, and we have to prioritise parking for our patients.
Due to the limited number of parking spaces at the busy hospital, only those staff with parking permits are able to continue to park for free from Monday 16 November.
Eamon Malone, Chief estates and facilities officer for Mid and South Essex NHS Foundation Trust, said: “Free parking has continued throughout the pandemic, but with such limited car parking facilities at Southend we have a duty to ensure that patients and restricted visitors are able to park.
“Staff still have the option of using public transport links, parking off site or can use the onsite paid car parks."