There may be delays in answering calls the the main switchboard at Basildon Hospital - read more
There may be delays in answering calls the the main switchboard at Basildon Hospital - read more
The chaplaincy team provides confidential, pastoral, spiritual and religious support for everyone – patients and staff – regardless of faith or background.
Chaplains work alongside other hospital staff to provide:
We visit wards regularly and aim to see all wards every week. You may see one of us during your stay, however, if we miss you then we may leave a small green visiting card.
If you would like to talk to a chaplain, please ask the ward sister or a nurse to contact us. If you have a particular religious background or church tradition, please let the staff on the ward know so they can contact the relevant chaplain on your behalf.
The chaplaincy team will do all they can to make sure that your religious needs are met during your stay in hospital.
They will also keep prayer books and scriptures from multiple faiths which can be provided if asked for – to find out where these items can be located, please refer to the ‘multi-faith prayer rooms’ section.
Communion - spiritual or Holy Communion is available upon request.
Christian prayer and worship - Monday to Friday, 8am to 8.30am and Wednesdays 12pm to 12.30pm in the Multi Faith Room Level C.
Christian prayer and worship - Monday to Friday 9:30am and 12:15pm.
Holy Communion is available on request at the bedsdie or in the Faith Centre.
Roman Catholic Mass takes place on the second Friday of the month at 12:15pm.
"Good News for Everyone" Bibles and Hope Magazines are available on request.
Christian prayer and worship - Evening prayer on Sundays at 4pm.
Holy Communion – takes place on Thursdays at 9.15am in the Chapel of the Good Shepherd, located on the 2nd floor of the Cardigan building. Holy Communion is also given at the bedside on request.
The Holy Eucharist (Church of England) - Mondays and Days of Obligation at 9.15am.
All services are non-denominational, and all are welcome to attend.
Islamic prayer and resources - copies of the Qur’an, along with prayer rolls and ablutions facilities are available in the Multi Faith Room.
Jumm’ah Prayer – hosted in a designated room (see whereabouts list in Multi Faith Room) between 1pm and 2pm.
Islamic prayer and resources - Copies of the Quran, along with prayer mats and shawls can be made available for the wards on request.
Jumm’ah Prayer – hosted in the Faith centre on Fridays at 1.15pm with a seperate female prayer space provided.
Ablution facilities, Qu'ran and prayer space with mats are available at the Faith Centre.
Islamic prayer and resources - Muslim Friday prayers are regularly held in the prayer room. At Britannia House the HR Meeting Room is set aside as a Prayer Room most lunchtimes.
Kosher cupboard located outside the Sanctuary, access by contacting the on-call chaplain or the security office.
A Kosher cupboard with food for relatives and visitors is located within the Faith Centre with supplies for tose celebrating a Shabbat meal.
Copies of the Hebrew bible are available at the Chaplaincy Suite.
Each hospital has facilities that staff and patients can use if they wish.
The multi-faith prayer room can be found on Level C by the restaurant and is a quiet space for all (religious and non–religious) to use for reflection, prayer or just for a few moments of peace.
The chaplaincy office is at the back of the Sanctuary, please knock to ask for any resources you may need.
View accessibility information about this area on the AccessAble website at
The Faith Centre is located at A209. View accessibility information about this area on the AccessAble website at
All are wlecome to use the space for a time of stillness, reflection, meditation or prayer.
Should you require a chaplain to support you during your visit, please contact us in advance or via switchboard if it is an emergency.
On the second floor of the hospital is a beautiful chapel where the Blessed Sacrament is reserved. The chapel is open for private prayer and meditation, and services are regularly held there.
There is also a prayer room for those of different faiths, together with washing facilities for Muslim Friday prayers.
In the Chaplaincy Suite is where all resources can be found.
View accessibility information about this area on the AccessAble website at
Chaplains work alongside other hospital staff to provide a ‘listening ear’ in times of sorrow or joy as well as pastoral support when facing distressing news.
We are available to talk or just listen to your hopes and fears, joys and concerns, and will support you confidentially in whatever way is appropriate.
Please contact your local chaplaincy team for information regarding remembrance books for adults and babies.
Services are provided for those who have suffered baby loss whatever your belief. Please contact the chaplains for details.
An Act of Remembrance is held on Armisitce Day at 10:55am to pay tribute, to remember and to pray for peace. Please note that when Armisitice Day falls over a weekend, the Hospital Act of Remembrance will take place on the Friday before.
Requests for prayer can be given to the Chaplains or recorded in the Faith Centre. The chaplains pray regularly for those in the hospital.
There are prayer trees in all three hospitals and leaves provided for you to record your message of love and remembrance.
You may also wish to contact the bereavement team for further support – to find out more, visit the the general bereavement services page or bereavement supportfor losing a little one.
There are a variety of ways across the trust for those wishing tog ive time in a volunteer capacity. Chaplaincy offers special ways for you to volunteer. Alongside the MSE training, all chaplain volunteers undertake specific training for the role of Ward Chaplain.
Annual training courses over seven weeks in the spring run, consisting of two-hour sessions once a week. These sessions are open for anyone of faith or no faith, and those who can commit to volunteering once per week for two hours (ideally but flexible) between the hours of 8am and 4pm, Monday to Friday.
Please email us if you are interested
The pastoral, spiritual and religious care of patients and their families is a Trust responsibility and all staff are encouraged to call on the support of the chaplaincy team when the need arises. This might include:
There can be times when our personal circumstances, or challenges with our work, mean that we can become anxious.
A confidential listening ear that is outside the situation can often be helpful.
The chaplaincy team across our trust can also provide support for bereavement both when this is a family member or colleague. We have experience of arranging both religious and non-religious memorial services if requested.
Staff can also seek help from the occupational health team and/or the psychotherapy team counsellors.
Our chaplaincy team are happy to facilitate visits from local faith group leaders.
If you are interested in this, please get in touch using the contact details below.
Chaplains are available 24 hours a day for inpatients but for queries, the team are available Monday to Friday between 8am and 4pm.
For urgent and out of hours queries, contact switchboard and ask for the on-call chaplain.
Call 01268 524900 using extension 3503 (24-hour answerphone) or email
Location – Sanctuary, Level C.
Call 0300 443 0350 (24hr answerphone) or email
Location – Faith Centre A209. Urgent and out of hours queries, contact swithcboard 01245 362000.
Call 01702 435555 using extension 6453 (answerphone) or email
Location - Chapel of the Good Shepherd, Cardigan Building, second floor.