There may be delays in answering calls the the main switchboard at Basildon Hospital - read more
There may be delays in answering calls the the main switchboard at Basildon Hospital - read more
Our monthly values awards help us show our appreciation for our staff who express our values through how they behave at work.
Our winners for excellent values awards
Gary Pearce, assistant service manager and Karen Cook, deputy general manager for burns and plastic surgery.
Our winners for compassionate values awards
Diane Line,
senior patient pathway coordinator
Our winners for respectful values awards
Elaine Spall,
medical education administrator
Sue Barry, Personalised Cancer Care Coordinator
Natasha Christmas, clinical nurse specialist.
Equality, diversity and inclusion (EDI) team.
Dementia and Delirium Nurse Chelsie Hearn (above)
Resuscitation team (below)
Deborah McCluskey, Clinical Nurse Specialist for human immunodeficiency viruses (left) and Staff Nurse, Nelly Nyamayaro (right).
Rachel Harris - Admin Support for Cardiac Specialist Nurses (left)
Dawn Haslen - Arrythmia Specialist Nurse (middle)
Marie Farine – Dialysis Housekeeper Technician (right)
Linda Iyamu-David - Healthcare Assistant (left)
Megan Brown and Maddy Whitbread, Qualified Dietitians (right)
Maxine Braden (left), Service Manager, Bridging Team - Integrated Care
Anita Hyams (right), Senior Sister, Intensive Care Unit
Nick Stacey, InSites Project Support Officer, Strategy Unit
Inpatient Rehabilitation (top)
Lindsey Harris, Lead Vascular Clinical Nurse Specialist (left)
Dawn Little from the Day Stay Unit (DSU) and Rebecca Rudd, from the Same Day Emergency Care (SDEC) team (right)
Kathryn Powrie, Allergy Nurse Specialist (left)
The Hospital at Home Team (top middle)
Karen Morgan, Library Manager (top right)
The User Centred Design Better Letters Pilot Delivery Team (bottom right)
Portering team, Broomfield Hospital (top left)
Donna Harvey, Customer Service Operator (top right)
Megan Edwards, Service Unit Manager for urology (bottom left)
Grounds and Gardens team, Broomfield Hospital (bottom right)
Labour Ward and Inpatient Maternity unit (top left)
Adam Sains, Security and Car Parking Manager (top right)
Natasha Reeve, Receptionist at the Education Centre (bottom left)
Overseas Finance team (bottom right)
Stephen Rayner, Ward Host in the Catering department (top left)
Communications and Engagement team (top right)
The Trust’s HCA Champions team (bottom left)
Sharon Coyle, Senior MRI Radiographer (bottom right)
The Catering Department at Basildon Hospital (top left)
Lisa Stephens, Healthcare Assistant – Neurology (middle left)
David Roman Velazquez (botton left) and Julie Walsh (bottom right), Community Healthcare Assistants in the Trust Bridging Service
Toma Genyte, Associate Clinical Nurse Specialist – Pain Management and Neuromodulation (top right)
Helena Green, Rebecca Pascoe and Caroline Homes: Service Managers for Health Records, Access to Records, Data Quality and Coding (top left)
Joanne Vere, Blood Sciences Specimen Reception Manager (top right)
Diane Wilkie, Patient Pathology Coordinator for Surgery (bottom left)
Brian McCartney, Engineering Manager (bottom right)