There may be delays in answering calls the the main switchboard at Basildon Hospital - read more
There may be delays in answering calls the the main switchboard at Basildon Hospital - read more
You can take your sample, which you must produce at home to Southend Hospital at a number of different time slots. Please ensure that you can arrive at your appointment time within 50 minutes after collection following sample production for Male Fertility Tests or within two hours for Post Vasectomy samples. If you live more than 30 minutes away, please ensure you choose the first appointment of the day to avoid rush hour, and do not choose an afternoon appointment, as this is the busiest time for visitors to be using the car park
The appointment times run from 07:00 - 15:30.
Please click the link below to view available appointment times and to book your appointment of choice.
Please print off, fill in and sign the document below and bring it with you when you make an appointment.
Clinics and appointment booking lines are closed on UK Public Holidays and weekends.
If there are difficulties producing a sample for testing or if you would like to speak to one of the team please phone the laboratory on 01702 435555 ext 7726.
Please note that samples must be produced at home before the appointment time.
Please ensure you book the correct clinic.
Male Fertility tests are for those patients that are trying to conceive and Post Vasectomy for those that have undergone a vasectomy, and no longer want to conceive.
If the incorrect test is booked, the sample will be rejected.
If you are out of the area and wanting a test, please ensure your GP contacts the laboratory before making an appointment on 01702435555 ext 7726 to be advised on the correct form and pot to be used.
If you OR any of your household have any COVID-19 symptoms in the last 14 days, such as new continuous cough, sore throat, high temperature, loss of taste or smell, short of breath, OR have been in contact with anyone who has tested positive, PLEASE DO NOT ATTEND. If you are attending, please adhere to current hospital guidelines regarding wearing a mask.