Our purpose is to support the practice of evidence-based care within the Trust and ensure that all staff have access to the resources they need which will result in the best possible care and experience for our patients.
Our libraries are located at Basildon, Broomfield and Southend Hospitals, and our staff are here for every member of the Trust, including all students on placement.
We also provide services to Essex Partnership University Foundation Trust (EPUT), Provide CIC and Pathology First (PF).
Our library teams include professional, qualified librarians with years of experience working in healthcare who are supported by knowledgeable and responsive library assistants.
We support evidence-based care, research, education, and your personal and professional development in a number of ways - click on each section below to find out more.
Our staffed hours are 8.30am to 4.30pm Monday-Friday, but all sites provide you with 24-hour library access. EPUT and PF staff please check for access arrangements.
The repository contains the records of published research authored by NHS staff working for Mid and South Essex NHS Foundation Trust. Authors may supply lists of their publications, and these can be added for the time that they are affiliated with MSE (or the pre-merged Trusts) from 2008 to present.
You can become a member by completing this online form, or by scanning the QR code to the right. Paper forms are also available at your chosen library site.
Membership is open to all Mid and South Essex Trust staff and students on placement. It's also open to Provide, EPUT and specific Pathology First staff. Our libraries are located at:
Basildon - in the Education Centre
Broomfield - in a building behind the Medical Academic Unit
Southend - in the Education Centre
If you register online, you will need to provide your nhs.net email as proof of eligibility. In person, you will need to produce your Trust ID badge. Remember to keep us updated of any changes to your address, email or telephone number.
All members will get a library number and a PIN - this allows you to use our self-service machines and log into the members area of our catalogue to place holds and renew books.
By joining the library you are agreeing to our Membership Conditions and our Privacy Policy. Our User Charter can be found here.
If you are responsible for new starters in your department please remember to organise a library induction as part of their introduction to the Trust.
Our facilities
Each library has space available for group or individual study.
There are networked PCs available (these are connected to the site networks). Due to our information security policy, no USB sticks can be used.
Printers and photocopiers/scanners are available. Black and white printing costs 5p per A4 sheet and colour printing costs 10p per A4 sheet.
Across our sites, we hold approximately 18,000 books - you can also request books that are not currently held by us through our catalogue.
Self-issue machines are available to make it easy for you to borrow or return books at any time. Please remember to bring your library card/barcode with you.
There are also areas where you can relax quietly away from the work environment, or sit and enjoy fiction, jigsaws and colouring.
“Every now and then go away, have a little relaxation, for when you come back to your work your judgment will be surer.” Leonardo da Vinci
From the Library catalogue you can search for items by title, keywords or by subject. This search covers the collections of every NHS library in the East of England or can be narrowed to a specific site or group, and books can be reserved and sent to your chosen library for collection.
Most books may be borrowed for four weeks, and will automatically be renewed three times (where applicable), provided that they have not been requested by anyone else.
Books can be returned to the library or left in the drop boxes available at each site.
Books can be issued and returned using the self-service machine in the library - this is available 24/7.
Requesting books
If we don't have the book you need, we may be able to get it for you through our various library networks.
To request a book, please first check the Library catalogue. Log in with your user ID and PIN - please request this from the Library if you do not have one.
Search the item details of the book you wish to borrow and if listed, click 'Place a reservation' (located beneath book details), enter your 'Pick up location' and click 'Confirm reservation'. You will be notified by email/phone when it is available to collect.
If a book is not available through the Library catalogue, you can put in a request via the interlibrary loan module. Log in with your user ID and PIN.
Select 'Your interlibrary loan requests' and then click 'Create a new request' then accept the Copyright Declaration statement.
In the drop down menu choose the 'Type' of item you want to request.
Complete the form with as many details as you can, enter the destination library (where you would like to collect it from) and click 'Create'.
Please complete a separate form for each request.
Alternatively, you can email your library with the book details.
In some cases there will be a charge for book requests - you will be notified if this applies.
Special Collections
Health and Wellbeing- our libraries have a collection of self-help books on common conditions, such as anxiety, depression and chronic pain. The titles have been selected in consultation with the Occupational Health team.
Mood-Boosting - to complement the health and wellbeing collection, we also have collections of mood-boosting fiction and poetry.
Watch this video on how to register or follow the steps below:
Step 1
Complete the online registration form
Registering with an NHS email will speed up the registration process
Select the organisation you are EMPLOYED by
Tick to read and accept the Terms and Conditions and Privacy Notice
Click Register to submit the form.
Step 2
You will receive an email from Eduserv OpenAthens.
Click the link in the email within 24hr to activate the account. You will be prompted to enter your own password.
Make a note of your username and password, as you will need these each time you log on. You can also use your email address instead of your username if you find this easier to remember.
You can now access ALL the subscribed resources from ANY PC, anywhere, anytime.
If you register using a non-NHS networked PC and a private email address, there may be a delay in granting you access to the online resources.
If you've forgotten your password and/or username, you can find instructions for resetting them here.
Electronic Resources
Discover the Knowledge and Library Services (KLS) HUB
Your Gateway to Information. All of our electronic resources can now be accessed through one search screen. This includes over 7,000 journals, clinical decision support tools, NICE pathways and guidelines, and clinical databases.
BMJ Best Practice takes you quickly and accurately to the latest evidence-based information, whenever and wherever you need it. It includes step-by-step guidance on diagnosis, prognosis, treatment and prevention and is updated daily using robust evidence-based methodology and expert opinion. BMJ Best Practice is available to all of the NHS in England who have a valid NHS OpenAthens login.
The app gives you access to clinical information wherever you are, even when you are offline.
BMJ Best Practice subscription includes the Comorbidities Manager for all NHS staff and learners in England. In the UK alone, one in three patients admitted to hospital as an emergency has five or more conditions. Clinical guidelines only focus on single conditions; the Comorbidities Manager supports the management of the whole patient by including guidance on the treatment of a patient’s acute condition alongside their pre-existing comorbidities.
Funded by HEE, on desktop or app, 24/7 on and offline, the NHS in England can use BMJ Best Practice for free via NHS OpenAthens. More at bmj.com/hee
BMJ is an award-winning journal that delivers a focused, peer-reviewed, valuable collection of cases in all disciplines so that healthcare professionals, researchers and others can easily find clinically important information on common and rare conditions. This is the largest single collection of case reports online with more than 11,000 articles from over 70 countries.
If you are looking to publish a case report, follow the 'Instructions for Authors'- this includes a user guide and help on how to submit cases.You can obtain our fellowship code by emailing the library at mse.library@nhs.net.
A dynamic and fully searchable healthcare resource designed to provide clinicians with fast, clinically-relevant answers from Elsevier’s library of medical and surgical content including 750+ ejournals and 1000+ ebooks.
Nursing Procedure Guidelines available to all staff helping you to put best evidence into practice. Login in here, select Institutional Access and enter your valid NHS OpenAthens password to access the 350+ procedures.
The Cochrane Library is considered the gold standard site for systematic reviews and evidence-based medicine. It contains high-quality evidence to inform healthcare decision-making, including reliable evidence such as systematic reviews and randomised clinical trials (RCTs) as well as technology assessments and economic evaluations.
For training materials, please visit the Cochrane Library Training Hub, which will include videos, webinar sessions, recorded webinars, and other resources. Simply complete the one-time sign up, and you will have access to this regularly updated Training Hub for free. Sign up to the latest training webinars for instant access to the new features and enhancements.
CPD Online is the learning resource for mental health professionals from the Royal College of Psychiatrists. This self-teaching and online learning resource offers a wealth of online learning modules and podcasts covering a vast range of topics. It provides a flexible, interactive way of keeping up to date with progress in mental health, and complements the College's other long-established CPD activities such as Advances in Psychiatric Treatment.
Email our OpenAthens Administrator at mse.library@nhs.net to request access to eLearning Hub if you are employed as a Doctor. You need to provide your NHS OpenAthens username.
HSJ provides access to the latest NHS news and jobs for healthcare leaders. HSJ local is an invaluable resource that allows you to keep up-to-date with your local NHS organisations, preparing you for any conversations that you may have.
You can access a user guide online to help you make the most of the service.
MSE senior staff can request access to HSJ, please email the library at mse.library@nhs.net.
KnowledgeShare is our targeted current awareness service. The alerts include resources such as guidelines, systematic reviews and selected high-level journals - you will not be inundated with primary research articles. Please complete a registration form to set up a current awareness service tailored to your professional interests. In order to access the KnowledgeShare system, you need to log in using your NHS OpenAthens ID.
The Maudsley Prescribing Guidelines in Psychiatry is the essential evidence-based handbook on the safe and effective prescribing of psychotropic agents which is available with a valid NHS OpenAthens password.
RMMO provides evidence-based clinical skills and procedures related to essential aspects of a patient's care with a valid NHS OpenAthens password. Clinical nurse experts from one of the UK’s leading centres of expertise have brought together all the latest clinical evidence nurses need to meet confidently the requirements of their demanding profession. The Manual includes over 350 evidence-based clinical procedures related to every aspect of care, from handwashing to cardiopulmonary resuscitation.
TRIP is a search engine aimed at health professionals looking for clinical research literature to support patient care, it is available to all of the NHS in England. You can use your NHS OpenAthens account to log in.
UpToDate is a dynamic, comprehensive, up-to-date, peer-reviewed and fully cross-referenced online evidence-based Point of Care clinical resource.
You can access it while on the MSE network and after registration, you will be able to access this resource without the need to log in and install the App on up to two mobile devices.
You can still access this resource from outside the Trust via a browser, as long as you have a valid NHS OpenAthens account. To access the full text, you will need to select Log in with 'OpenAthens' and enter your valid NHS OpenAthens username and password.
Evidence Searches
Our evidence search service is available to staff who need evidence-based information to support:
patient care queries
service planning and development
writing / updating guidelines
writing / updating patient information
writing / publications
quality improvement
Searches are carried out by qualified librarians and results are emailed to you.
You will need to provide as much detail as possible about your search:
The topic to be searched
Suggested keywords – including synonyms and American terminology and spellings
The date range to be covered
The patient group (if relevant) eg adults, children, outpatients, critical care etc
The reason for the search eg for patient care, for research, writing a guideline etc.
We will contact you to discuss your search further if necessary.
We usually ask for at least seven working days to complete a search, though often searches are completed quicker. Searches for immediate patient care are always prioritised. Please inform us if you have a particular deadline to meet.
This service is not available to students, but we are happy to support you in undertaking your own search.
If you would like training on how to search healthcare databases yourself then please email us at mse.library@nhs.net or see below details of training offered.
Library and information skills training
Information Literacy is the ability to identify, locate, evaluate, and effectively use information to solve problems or make decisions.
For those working in healthcare, this means developing skills to search for and use valid reliable evidence based research to improve patient care, from the way we develop and manage services, to ensuring safety and equipping ourselves with up to date knowledge and skills.
These sessions are delivered online through MS Teams. However, some courses can be tailored and run for individuals or teams/departments. To find out more or to book a session email us at mse.library@nhs.net.
List of current courses
Clear communication: empowering patients in healthcare (health literacy).
Critical appraisal of qualitative research.
Critical appraisal of a randomised controlled trial.
Finding the evidence.
Introduction to Harvard referencing.
An introduction to statistics.
Reflective writing.
Writing for publication.
We are in the process of amending a couple of our courses into e-learning modules. More information will be available soon.
Other courses
Below are links to relevant courses run by other NHS Library services or by E-Learning for Healthcare. All are freely available.
From Barts Health Knowledge and Library Services
Critical Appraisal of an Randomised Controlled Trial using the CASP checklist — this is ten short videos taking you through each of the questions of the CASP RCT Checklist. Freely available. You can watch this video on YouTube at https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLq0iYvuStLYOEqxqUbwf9x7TVCpS_2NWV.
From E-Learning for Healthcare
Log in to https://www.e-lfh.org.ukwith your NHS Open Athens account and then use the search box to find the relevant module.
Literature Searching (LTS)
Three modules designed to develop literature searching skills.
Introduction to Searching
Where Do I Start Searching?
How Do I Start to Develop a Search Strategy?
Critically appraising the evidence base
Eight modules taking you through critical appraisal of different types of research including Systematic Reviews and Diagnostic/Screening Tests.
Introduction to equity considerations in critical appraisal
Introduction to critical appraisal of randomised controlled trials
Introduction to interpreting results for critical appraisal​
Introduction to critical appraisal of systematic reviews
Introduction to critical appraisal of qualitative studies
Introduction to critical appraisal of diagnostic and screening tests
Introduction to critical appraisal tools
Lincoln Memorial University
Pirates vs Ninjas: Understanding Boolean Operators — A short and engaging YouTube video from Lincoln Memorial University which explains how to use the combining words 'and, 'or' 'not' to create your search strategy.