Joined up care for patients across Essex

We’re transforming the way we deliver care to our patients and service users across mid and south Essex through the introduction of a new joined-up electronic patient record (EPR) system for Mid and South Essex NHS Foundation Trust and Essex Partnership University NHS Foundation Trust (EPUT). 

The investment in a new EPR system will transform our service delivery across community, mental health, and acute care services by bringing multiple systems together into one. This will help us to provide better, safer, joined-up care for everyone, while supporting our staff to deliver the best care possible for our patients.

The EPR system is a digital patient records tool that will enable doctors, nurses and other health professionals involved in a patient’s care to access information quickly and in real-time. It will enhance our patients’ experiences by providing a holistic and personalised approach to care with the right information at the right time and place.

The investment in a new EPR system is one of the digital investments supporting our ambition of enhancing the care we deliver to our patients and residents across Essex.

The new system is scheduled to go live in 2026/27 across Essex Partnership University Trust and Mid and South Essex NHS Foundation Trust.

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