• We went in for a blood test for my four year old. I also had to bring his twin brother and older brother. The staff were amazing, they did a terrific job of distracting him from the blood test and were so friendly and happy. Brilliant at their jobs.

  • Highly experienced and caring medical team. Dr Asmaa and her team were brilliant with my daughters care.

  • Wizard wars are amazing! Nothing to make better staff and evening was amazing I was hugely impressed.

  • Fabulous unit took great care of me and my daughter very caring excellent facilities for the children.

Children and young people services

An illustration of a two people and a baby intertwined in a heart shape to represent women and children's servicesChildren’s services are available across all three sites in the mid and south Essex area, offering a wide range of care, including emergency care, inpatient wards, paediatric assessment units, ambulatory care, burns and plastics, physiotherapy, cancer care, mental health support, and play services.

Each site has dedicated children’s inpatient wards:

  • Puffin and Wagtail at Basildon Hospital
  • Phoenix and Wizard at Broomfield Hospital
  • Neptune at Southend Hospital

We collaborate with local community services and agencies to provide integrated care, supported by our children’s community nursing teams. We are also connected with specialist children’s hospitals in London and Cambridge for advanced care needs.

Play services

Play is essential for every baby, child, and young person's development and wellbeing. It’s more than just fun it’s vital for growth and learning, helping to enhance social, cognitive, physical, and emotional well-being.

In a hospital setting, play helps children understand what’s happening to them, allowing them to express their thoughts and feelings. Engaging in play makes the hospital environment feel more normal and reduces the fears, stress, and anxiety often associated with a hospital stay.

Our play service

We have a well-established play service, led by trained health play specialists and play assistants. They are dedicated to recognising, promoting, and facilitating every child's right to play while in the hospital.

How we support your child through play

Our play team offers a range of play-based strategies tailored to each child’s needs, culture, and gender. This includes:

  • Developmental and therapeutic play, which helps children explore their feelings and create positive experiences.
  • Preparation for treatment, helping children get ready for procedures with age-appropriate techniques.
  • Distraction therapy, using age-appropriate techniques to support children during medical procedures.
  • Post-procedural play, for children who found a procedure stressful or traumatic, we offer post-procedural play to help them cope.
  • A child-friendly environment that offers safe play spaces and celebrates important festivals, national days, and special occasions. We also arrange special visits from entertainers and therapy animals.

Basildon Hospital

Broomfield Hospital

Children’s burns ward

The children’s burn ward is a small, eight-bed unit designed to care for children who have burns or serious skin conditions.

We focus on providing the best possible care for both children and their families, ensuring everyone feels safe and supported.

Our team includes doctors, nurses, and therapists who work together to take care of your child. Our nursery nurses and play specialists use play to help children feel more comfortable during their treatment. They also support siblings and the rest of the family, with help from our psychotherapy team.

Children’s burns dressing clinic

  • Most children who have had a burn injury will need to return to the ward to have their dressings changed.
  • The childrens’ burns dressing clinic is held on the ward every day between 10.00 am and 6.00 pm.


These measures are in place to ensure the safety and wellbeing of the children.

  • Visitors must be approved by the parents before they can visit.
  • A maximum of four visitors are allowed at one time. (Only parents are permitted if the child has just returned from surgery.)
  • We do not recommend visits from babies under six months or children who have not been immunised.
  • Visitors who have been unwell in the past 48 hours will not be allowed to enter.
  • No hot drinks or flowers are permitted on the ward.
  • All visitors, including parents, must use the door security system to identify themselves before entering.

Service information and contact details

To find out more, visit the Children's burns service page.

Children's outpatients

Summary of service provision

We offer a range of clinics, including general paediatrics, ward follow-ups, diabetes, dermatology, rheumatology, allergy, epilepsy, oncology, cardiology, urology, cystic fibrosis, growth assessments, and dietician services.


  • Our clinics operate Monday to Friday, from 9:00 am to 6:00 pm.
We have 12 permanent paediatric consultants who lead these clinics. Additionally, we host visiting consultants from other hospitals, including specialists from Brompton Hospital for Cardiology, Royal London for Gastroenterology, and Great Ormond Street Hospital for Cystic Fibrosis.

They are happy to provide access to their clinics for the students during their placement and can provide vast amounts of knowledge appropriate to the student’s requirement.

View accessibility information about this area on the AccessAble website at https://www.accessable.co.uk/mid-and-south-essex-nhs-foundation-trust/broomfield-hospital/access-guides/a101-children-s-outpatients

Phoenix Ward

Welcome to Phoenix ward

Phoenix ward, located at E122 in the East Wing of Broomfield Hospital, is here to provide specialised care for your child.


Upon arrival, our receptionist will guide you to the appropriate area of the ward.

Assessment unit:

 We have an eight-bed assessment unit within Phoenix ward, offering 24-hour care for children requiring urgent medical attention.

This unit handles a range of specialities, including Ear, Nose, and Throat, Plastic Surgery, Orthopaedics, and Maxillofacial surgery. Our experienced nursing team works diligently to ensure children are seen as quickly as possible.

Ward details:

Phoenix Ward has 24 in-patient beds and cares for children with various conditions. Patients may be elective admissions, emergency cases, or referrals from other hospitals.

We also have a system for children with complex needs, allowing them direct access to our assessment unit.

Specialist care:

We provide specialist hand and plastic surgery for a wide region, serving nearly 4 million people. We also collaborate with Great Ormond Street, Addenbrooke’s, and UCLH for cleft surgery and cancer care.

Support services:

Our team of Nursery Nurses and Play Specialists work to make your child’s experience positive, supporting both the child and family during their stay. We have dedicated spaces for all ages, including a teenager's room with pool, gaming, TV, and music, a sensory room for younger children, and an outdoor play area.

Visiting and mealtimes:

  • Visiting hours: 10:00-20:00 (parents have open visiting)
  • Mealtimes: Midday and 17:00 (protected mealtime)

Contact us:

  • Phone: 01245 513256

Useful Information          

  • Commonly used abbreviations: a list of these is kept in the bedside folders.
  • There is a bedside folder with lots of useful information about the ward and the hospital.
  • Entrance to Phoenix is gained via a security door. All staff have an ID badge and should be wearing this at all times. Please state who you are and who you are with on entry to the ward and please do not let others into the ward when you come in.
  • You may only park in the designated areas. Parents can obtain a 24 hour permit, please go to the cashier’s office in the atrium to obtain this.
  • We have facilities for parents on the ward, a room to rest and enjoy a meal/hot drink and one parent/carer can stay overnight by their child’s bedside.

Wizard Ward

Welcome to Wizar ward

Wizard ward is situated within the Hospital wing at the front of Broomfield hospital.

Assessment unit

It is a purpose-built, ten-bed day surgical unit where we will care for your child during their planned hospital stay for surgery.

Children attend the Wizard unit for a variety of surgeries, including:

  • Ear, Nose, and Throat:

    • Tonsillectomy
    • Adenoidectomy
    • Grommet insertion
    • BSERA (Brainstem Evoked Response Audiometry)
    • Mastoidectomy

    General Surgery:

    • Inguinal hernia repair
    • Umbilical hernia repair
    • Orchidopexy

    Orthopaedic Surgery:

    • Ingrown toenail treatment
    • Arthroscopy
    • Steroid injections


    • Circumcision
    • Release of adhesions
    • Hydrocele repair
    • Cystoscopy

    Eye Surgery:

    • Squint correction
    • Syringe and probe procedures
    • Cyst removal

    Dental Surgery:

    • Extractions
    • Pre-orthodontic treatment
    • Tongue-tie release

    Plastic Surgery:

    • Lesion removal
    • Laser treatment for port-wine stains
    • Hypospadias repair
    • Syndactyly/Polydactyly correction
    • K-wire removal
    • Prominent ear correction

The planned surgery pathway


Once a surgeon has determined your child requires surgery, you will be added to the waiting list.  When you have been sent a date for surgery a pre-assessment letter will arrive shortly after.

A pre-assessment appointment is where you and your child meet with one of the nurses from the Wizard ward team (We aim for 2-4 weeks before surgery).

  • Parental responsibility check
  • You will tour the unit
  • Be provided with written and verbal information
  • You will complete health questions related to your child
  • Weight/height
  • Pulse, Temperature, blood pressure
  • See an anaesthetist (if required – and may be on another date)
  • Question and answer session with the nurse
  • Infection prevention screening
  • Hearing test (For ENT ear surgery only)
  • Play Specialist involvement for those children who require extra preparation 

At the end of this appointment you and your child will be fully prepared for admission and aware of the journey your child will follow.

Please note: short notice surgery - we will call to arrange a convenient pre-assessment date and time with you.

Wizard ward pre-assesment video: Welcome to Wizard ward

Day of surgery

You will have received detailed information on the Welcome To Wizard Ward information leaflet.

On your arrival at the unit, you book in at the reception desk in A301 and wait to be called through.

You will be shown to a bed where you will settle in before one of the nursing team will admit your child:

  • Parental responsibility check
  • Magic cream is applied to the backs of both hands
  • Identity bracelet fastened to wrist or ankle (depending on age and surgery site)
  • Allergy bracelet – if required
  • Checks: pulse, temperature, blood pressure
  • Confirmation of information supplied at pre-assessment and any changes
  • Consultation with the surgeon and signing consent (see link below)
  • Consultation with anaesthetist 

When all necessary documentation has been completed, there may be a considerable wait until your child is called for surgery.

We have an experienced Play Specialist who can provided diversionary activities for any child who is waiting to be called. We will keep you updated on the progress of the theatre list and the expected time of operation to the best of our ability but please be aware that there are circumstances outside of our control.

Do not hesitate to speak to one of the nursing team for an update. We appreciate this is an anxious time for you as a family.


Only one parent may accompany the child to the anaesthetic room with a Wizard ward nurse.

Inside the room will be several members of the theatre team:

  • The anaesthetist
  • The ODP (anaesthetic assistant)
  • Scrub nurse and/or surgeon

The team will have several checks to complete before your child is anaesthetised.

These are for patient safety and will confirm all of the information you would have provided previously.

After your child is asleep you will be escorted back to Wizard ward.

Here you will find a parents kitchen in which tea and coffee making facilities are available.

Please note: No hot drinks to be taken out of the parents kitchen.

If you decide to leave the ward we will write down your contact number so we may reach you easily.


When the surgery is complete, your child will be taken into the recovery area. Here they will be looked after by two nurses until they begin to wake up.

The recovery team will contact us as soon as possible and one parent will be escorted down to be with your child.


Once back on the ward your child may be offered a drink straight away, or they may continue to sleep if too drowsy.

Each child is treated individually according to their age, needs and type of surgery.

Toast and biscuits are offered. Alternatively, you may bring your own food with you.

As we look after very different surgery cases here on Wizard ward, length of stay post operatively will vary, please see your nurse for further information. 

Minimum stay - 11/2  hours

When your child is ready to go home and has met all the necessary discharge criteria, the nurse will provide comprehensive verbal and written instructions for you to care for your child at home.

Emergency contact numbers are written on your discharge leaflet.

All families are contacted by the nursing team within 7 days via telephone to check all is well.

Contact details

Sisters office : 01245 513604
Ward : 01245 513607 / 513606

Department / Service details

Monday - Friday
Pre-assessment : 08:30-1700
Ward 07:00 - 18:00 (21:00 as required)

Southend Hospital

Paediatric emergency department

Welcome to our paediatric emergency department

We are a dedicated and friendly team of healthcare professionals, and we know that visiting the emergency department can be a scary experience for both children and adults.

What to Expect


When you arrive, you'll be greeted at our reception desk. We'll ask for your details and a brief description of why you're here.

Waiting room

After check-in, you'll move to our paediatric emergency waiting room, equipped with toys and entertainment for children of all ages to help pass the time.


A nurse will call you as soon as possible to take a brief history, perform observations, and administer any necessary pain relief or emergency medication. Please bear with us if there's a delay; it can happen during busy periods.

Next steps

Depending on your child’s needs, you'll either return to the waiting room or be placed in a cubicle. Here, regular observations will be taken, and a doctor will assess your child. The doctor will then create a treatment plan, which may include further medications or investigations.

If needed, our doctors will consult with specialists like surgeons, orthopaedics, or ENT experts. Your child may be discharged with treatment instructions, or they may be admitted to Neptune Children’s Ward or the Paediatric Assessment Unit (PAU) to see a paediatrician.


If you arrive with a referral letter from the community, you’ll see a specialist doctor directly. Please be aware that there may be a wait if the specialists are attending to other emergencies.


If your child needs care at another hospital, we'll guide you through the process and ensure a safe transfer.

Need help? Just ask!

We’re here to help. Don’t hesitate to ask if you need anything. Please understand that we may take some time to respond if we’re very busy, but we’ll do our best to make your experience as smooth as possible.

We also offer sensory support items like ear defenders, books, colouring pages, pencils, and fidget toys. Please ask if your child needs them.

Children and young people’s mental health liaison team

Our mental health practitioners support patients under 18 at Southend, Basildon, and Broomfield Hospitals. Our goal is to make hospital stays as brief and comfortable as possible for young people admitted with mental health difficulties. We work closely with patients, hospital staff, and community services to ensure effective treatment and a smooth discharge plan.

We collaborate with the safeguarding teams, social care, child and mental health service (CAMHS), drug and Alcohol teams, and Tier 4 adolescent psychiatric units when needed.

Contact details

  • For mental health support in our area, contact SET-CAMHS at 0800 953 0222. If there’s a crisis, referrals to the CAMHS crisis team can be made at 0300 300 1792.

Neptune ward

Neptune Children’s Ward is a general inpatient unit for children with medical and surgical conditions, from birth until their 16th birthday (or up to 18 years for certain conditions).

Our approach to care

We closely coordinate with local community services, including health, social care, and external agencies. The Paediatric Community Nursing (PCN) team, part of the Essex Partnership Trust (EPUT), provides home care for children in the local area.

We understand that a hospital stay is a significant event for both children and their parents or carers. We prioritise maintaining normal family routines, recognising their impact on your child’s health and wellbeing. Our goal is to provide holistic, individualised care, putting your child first.

What to expect during your stay

  • Our staff will greet you in a calm, friendly, and professional manner, ensuring you receive all the information, support, and reassurance you need during your stay.

  • We strive to create a happy, safe, and friendly environment where patients, families, and staff feel supported and confident in the care provided. Our values include care with compassion, teamwork, professionalism, and accountability.
  • Neptune Ward offers a dedicated parent/carer room with seating, a fridge, kettle, microwave, bottle warmer, and steriliser. Tea, coffee, milk, and condiments are provided.

  • We encourage parents/carers to stay with their child throughout the hospital stay and to be involved in planning and delivering care. We respect cultural, spiritual, physical, and social needs, along with privacy and dignity.

  • Play is an essential part of our care, with activities available for children of all ages and abilities.

  • Our staff will work with you to facilitate a smooth discharge home, minimising disruption to your family life.

Additional Information

  • We collaborate closely with specialist centers for certain conditions and escalated care needs.

  • One parent/carer can stay overnight with their child. A bed will be provided and can be set up and put away as needed.

Contact details and visiting hours:

  • Visiting hours are from 7:00 AM to 8:00 PM. Up to two visitors are allowed per patient.

    • Visitors under 18 must be accompanied by an adult, preferably the patient’s parent or carer.

Paediatric assessment unit (PAU)

The Paediatric Assessment Unit (PAU) is a dedicated assessment area for children presenting with medical, surgical, or orthopaedic conditions.  


Children are referred to the PAU for clinical assessment and/or treatment from varied sources, including GP’s, PED and community midwives.


The aim of the unit is to provide a streamlined service for children, where diagnostic investigations and treatment can be done within the day avoiding where possible an admission to the inpatient ward.


PAU is six bedded area with an additional isolation cubicle and treatment room. It caters for children aged 0- up to 16th birthday and is co-located with the inpatient ward.


Contact number:

Children’s surgery in the day surgery unit

Our Day Surgery Unit at Southend Hospital, located on the ground floor of the Hillborough Wing, regularly performs children's surgeries each month. On these days, the unit is dedicated to caring for children, with support from paediatric trained nurses to ensure safe and effective care. Children are typically discharged home on the same day. 

If additional observation is needed, your child will be transferred to Neptune Children’s ward.

What to Bring

  • Your child’s admission letter.
  • Registered contact details for your GP.
  • Plan for a full day as the length of stay is unpredictable.
  • Bring something to entertain your child, like a favorite toy, iPad, or books. Our play team is also available to offer support and play therapy.

Important guidelines

  • Two parents/carers can accompany your child to the unit, but only one is allowed in the anaesthetic room.
  • Siblings are not permitted, so please arrange childcare for other children.

What to expect


Check-in at reception and wait in the seating area until your child’s name is called. You may also want to bring something to keep your child entertained while you wait. 

Pre-operative preparation

Once your child is allocated a bed, a nurse will check their vital signs and complete a pre-operative checklist. You’ll also meet with an anaesthetist to discuss the best anaesthesia plan based on your child’s health and medication. Feel free to ask any questions about the anaesthesia process.


Your child will change into a hospital gown, and numbing cream will be applied to prepare for the insertion of a cannula. The surgical team will meet with you to answer any final questions. Your child will then be wheeled into the anaesthetic room, where one parent/carer can stay until they fall asleep.

Post-operative care

After the surgery, you’ll be notified once your child is awake in the recovery room. You’ll then join them and accompany them back to the unit. The nursing team will monitor your child’s progress and offer light refreshments. Feel free to bring snacks if your child has a special diet.


Your child will be discharged once they are fully awake, pain and nausea are controlled, and they can tolerate food, drink, and pass urine. This process may take a few hours or longer, depending on the surgery.

Going home

Before you leave, you’ll receive a discharge summary and an advice sheet explaining what to expect, how to manage pain, time off from school, and any signs to watch for.

Contact details:

  • Phone Number: 0300 443 1250

Ambulatory care team

The unit is situated on Neptune ward, first floor, Cardigan wing, Southend Hospital.

Service provision

  • Treating patients up to the age of 16
  •  Patients that require investigations and treatments such as infusions, blood transfusions etc
  • Planned MRI under sedation
  • Auditory brainstem response (ABR) under sedation.

All children must be accompanied by a parent or carer over the age of 18. Up to two parent/carers per patient allowed.

As a unit we have access to a play team, who provide activities, distraction and play sessions.

Contact details

Paediatric outpatient department

Our paediatric outpatient department offers both general and specialist clinics for families with children from birth to 16 years old, tailored to each child's needs. 

Our team

The Paediatric outpatient department (POPD) team includes clerical and nursing staff who are dedicated to providing seamless service and high-quality care. We support paediatric patients who require outpatient reviews by general paediatricians, general surgeons, specialist consultants, oral surgeons, paediatric dieticians, specialist nurses, and other multidisciplinary professionals.

Specialist clinics we offer

  • Childhood diabetes
  • Adolescent diabetes
  • Cardiology
  • Cystic fibrosis
  • Seizure clinic
  • Gastroenterology
  • Endocrine
  • Bronchopulmonary dysplasia
  • Paediatric/Maternal HIV
  • Infectious diseases
  • Oncology
  • Paediatric rheumatology
  • Respiratory
  • Tongue tie (Oral Surgery Team)
  • Constipation (Nurse-led)
  • RSV prophylaxis (Nurse-led)
  • Skin prick testing (Nurse-led)
  • Phlebotomy (Nurse-led)
  • Newborn hearing (Newborn Hearing Screeners)

Our consultants and collaborations

We have 14 paediatric consultants who hold clinics within our department. We also host specialist joint tertiary clinics in collaboration with Great Ormond Street Hospital, The Evelina Children’s Hospital, The Royal Brompton Hospital, and local community teams across Mid and South Essex.

Our services

The POPD team coordinates and organises all health and medical activities needed by infants, children, and young people. We work as part of a multidisciplinary team to provide:

  • General and specialist clinical assessments
  • Health education and training for patients and families
  • Guidance to parents, carers, and families, connecting them with the right professionals for advice and support

Contact details

Call us at 01702 385421, Monday to Friday, between 8:00 AM and 6:00 PM. Alternatively, you can email us at MSE.POPDadmin@nhs.net for enquiries or to book blood tests for children under 4 years old or with special educational needs (SEN).

View accessibility information about this area on the AccessAble website at https://www.accessable.co.uk/mid-and-south-essex-nhs-foundation-trust/southend-university-hospital/access-guides/paediatric-outpatient-department

Contact us

Please contact the relevant site where you or the patient you're enquiring about is receiving care from:


Address: PALS Office, Basildon University Hospital, Nethermayne, Basildon, Essex, SS16 5NL

Call 01268 394440 between 11am and 2pm, Monday to Friday (excluding Bank Holidays).

Email: mse.pals.btuh@nhs.net


Address: PALS Office, Broomfield Hospital, Chelmsford, Essex, CM1 7ET 

Call 01245 514130 between 11am and 2pm, Monday to Friday (excluding Bank Holidays).

Email: mse.public.response@nhs.net


Address: PALS Office, Southend University Hospital, Prittlewell Chase, Westcliff on Sea, Essex, SS0 0RY

Call 01702 385333 between 11am and 2pm, Monday to Friday (excluding Bank Holidays).

Email  mse.pals.suhft@nhs.net