Diabetes services

Our diabetes teams treat and care for both adult and younger patients. Diabetes is a lifelong condition that causes a person's blood sugar level to become too high.

The two main types of diabetes are:

Type 1 diabetes – where the body's immune system attacks and destroys the cells that produce insulin.
Type 2 diabetes – where the body does not produce enough insulin, or the body's cells do not react to insulin.

To find out more, visit https://www.nhs.uk/conditions/diabetes.

Video appointments

Many of our services offer video calls as a more convenient way of having an appointment with one of our healthcare professionals. This reduces the need for you to attend the hospital physically.

If you have an appointment letter with a video appointment link and instructions, please read more on our Video appointments page.

Outpatients (adults)


We run the following outpatient clinics:

  • Dedicated diabetes and endocrine clinics
  • Foot clinics for patients with complications of diabetes
  • Adolescent clinics for transition of paediatric to adult services
  • Gonadal clinics
  • Testosterone implant clinic.


Mid Essex integrated diabetes service works in partnership with Provide to deliver an integrated care pathway.

The hospital-based component of the diabetes service provides highly specialist care for patients with both types of diabetes mellitus, for both outpatients and inpatients.


Outpatient clinics provide routine care for patients with type 1, type 2 and secondary diabetes, a diagnostic assessment for possible familial diabetes mellitus (MODY or mitochondrial diabetes), management of obesity and diabetes, and specific review of the control of macrovascular and microvascular risk factors. 

We work closely with the department of dietetics, running a weekly clinic together to consider overall metabolic control in diabetes, dyslipidaemia, hypertension and renal disease.  

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Inpatients (adults)

Our team of diabetes specialist nurses provide inpatient support to all patients with diabetes. The services include:

  • Diabetes foot disease
  • Retinal screening
  • Calcium disorders
  • Lipid disorders
  • Antenatal
  • Adolescent services
  • Thyroid/pituitary/adrenal disorders
  • Gonadal/erectile dysfunction clinics
  • Nurse led renal/diabetes services.

If you are staying in one of our hospitals, please let staff know your of your diabetic needs.

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Children’s diabetes service

We offer a specialist service for diabetes in children and young people aged 0-18 years within the local catchment areas.

Diabetic children benefit from a comprehensive service that includes paediatric consultants, children's diabetes nurse specialists, specialist dietician, podiatry, and access to the psychotherapy and counselling service. we acknowledge that children and young people with the help of their parents require a holistic (seamless/whole) approach to their care and education.

The team provides flexible age-related guidance, advice and support for you to manage your child or young person to live a normal healthy lifestyle. We encourage young people to develop independent management of their diabetes.  Our education and support is ongoing throughout our involvement with you.

We maintain close links with the adult diabetes service and we support our young adults in the transitioning of their care.

Broomfield/Mid Essex

We have an integrated service based in the acute hospital setting with on-going support and management conducted in the community (Provide).

The Children’s Diabetes Specialist Nurses are based at Wren House, Hedgerows Business Park, Colchester Road, Chelmsford, CM2 5PF.

The consultant paediatricians and dietitians are based in Broomfield Hospital, Chelmsford, Essex CM1 7ET.

  • Provide team secretary – call 079706 80968 Tuesday to Friday.
  • Mid Essex consultant paediatricians’ secretary – call 01245 513010, Monday to Thursday.
  • Mid Essex diabetes administrator – call 01245 362000 using extension 3331, Monday to Thursday.
  • Children’s diabetes team - email mse.broomfieldcdt@nhs.net.
  • Paediatric secretaries - email mse.mehtpaediatricsecretaries@nhs.net.
  • Children’s diabetes dietitians - email mse.broomfieldcdtdietitians@nhs.net or call 01245 514419. 
  • Children’s diabetes specialist nurses — call 07580 912269, 07523  686857, 07845 659905, 07511 876932 or the team leader on 07580  912610.
  • Out of Hours (5pm to 9am on weekdays, weekends and bank holidays) – call 07580 912324.


All children (0-18yrs) suspected of having diabetes mellitus should be referred by their family doctor on the same day to the paediatric registrar.

All children (0-16yrs) presenting in DKA (diabetic ketoacidosis) to the emergency department should be referred to the paediatric registrar and treatment initiated by following the DKA integrated care pathway (DKAICP). 

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Diabetes and pregnancy

During pregnancy, some women have such high levels of blood glucose that their body is unable to produce enough insulin to absorb it all. This is known as gestational diabetes.


We run joint antenatal/gestational clinics and hirsuitism polycystic ovarian syndrome clinics.


The joint diabetes and obstetric antenatal clinics are held in A404 at Broomfield Hospital.

The team works closely with the paediatric service to deliver transition care.

Diabetes specialist midwife can be bleeped on #6555 1490.

Referrals – all women with newly diagnosed gestational diabetes or newly pregnant women with existing Type 1 and Type 2 diabetes can be referred to us by calling 0300 443 5260.


We run specialist clinics to manage diabetes mellitus in pregnancy, transitional care of the adolescent and diabetic nephropathy. Pre-pregnancy counselling for diabetic patients is provided alongside our specialist diabetes midwife.

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Referrals to the diabetes clinics should be made via the GP to the department for:

  • Type 1 patients
  • Any patients with diabetes related complications including diabetic nephropathy
  • Insulin pumps
  • Inpatients 
  • Foot care
  • Antenatal clinic

All children (0-18yrs) suspected of having diabetes mellitus should be referred by their family doctor on the same day to the paediatric registrar.

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Podiatry and diabetic foot

Referral for inpatient diabetes related foot-care is via the Ordercomms system or for toenail service (for patient who have extended admissions only) by fax to diabetes centre.

Outpatient referral via the community podiatry clinics depending on locality.

Care of the diabetic foot is provided alongside our vascular surgeons and the wound care team.

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Diabetes and endocrine

Endocrinology is a specialist medicine which involves the study of glands that secrete hormones and the effect they have on the body. Sub-specialties include thyroid; thyroid oncology; lipid disorder and metabolic medicine.

Diabetes, endocrinology and metabolism are based in the diabetes centre. Clinical services are provided by a team of consultants. Diabetes services are supported by our diabetes specialist nurses.

Contact us

Basildon endocrinology – call 01268 524900 using extensions 8717 or 3502.

Broomfield diabetes centre – call 0300 443 5260.

Southend endocrinology - call 01702 385350.

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Nutrition and dietetics

We work closely with our Nutrition and dietetics teams to help patients with education in managing their diabetes effectively.

If you need the support of the team via outpatients, ask your GP to get in contact with the team to provide supportive information to you.

Our specialist nurses and dieticians run carbohydrate counting courses and supervise a local DAFNE programme for patients on intensive insulin regimes.

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Contact us


Diabetes specialist nurses – call 01268 524900 using extension 4817.


Call the Diabetes centre on 0300 443 5260. Located in C253, in West Wing 2.

View accessibility information about this area on the AccessAble website at https://www.accessable.co.uk/mid-and-south-essex-nhs-foundation-trust/broomfield-hospital/access-guides/c253-diabetes-centre


Call the Diabetes centre on 0300 443 0112.

View accessibility information about this area on the AccessAble website at https://www.accessable.co.uk/mid-and-south-essex-nhs-foundation-trust/southend-university-hospital/access-guides/diabetes-and-endocrine-service

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