We offer a specialist service for diabetes in children and young people aged 0-18 years within the local catchment areas.
Diabetic children benefit from a comprehensive service that includes paediatric consultants, children's diabetes nurse specialists, specialist dietician, podiatry, and access to the psychotherapy and counselling service. we acknowledge that children and young people with the help of their parents require a holistic (seamless/whole) approach to their care and education.
The team provides flexible age-related guidance, advice and support for you to manage your child or young person to live a normal healthy lifestyle. We encourage young people to develop independent management of their diabetes. Our education and support is ongoing throughout our involvement with you.
We maintain close links with the adult diabetes service and we support our young adults in the transitioning of their care.
Broomfield/Mid Essex
We have an integrated service based in the acute hospital setting with on-going support and management conducted in the community (Provide).
The Children’s Diabetes Specialist Nurses are based at Wren House, Hedgerows Business Park, Colchester Road, Chelmsford, CM2 5PF.
The consultant paediatricians and dietitians are based in Broomfield Hospital, Chelmsford, Essex CM1 7ET.
- Provide team secretary – call 079706 80968 Tuesday to Friday.
- Mid Essex consultant paediatricians’ secretary – call 01245 513010, Monday to Thursday.
- Mid Essex diabetes administrator – call 01245 362000 using extension 3331, Monday to Thursday.
- Children’s diabetes team - email mse.broomfieldcdt@nhs.net.
- Paediatric secretaries - email mse.mehtpaediatricsecretaries@nhs.net.
- Children’s diabetes dietitians - email mse.broomfieldcdtdietitians@nhs.net or call 01245 514419.
- Children’s diabetes specialist nurses — call 07580 912269, 07523 686857, 07845 659905, 07511 876932 or the team leader on 07580 912610.
- Out of Hours (5pm to 9am on weekdays, weekends and bank holidays) – call 07580 912324.
All children (0-18yrs) suspected of having diabetes mellitus should be referred by their family doctor on the same day to the paediatric registrar.
All children (0-16yrs) presenting in DKA (diabetic ketoacidosis) to the emergency department should be referred to the paediatric registrar and treatment initiated by following the DKA integrated care pathway (DKAICP).