We are experiencing a problem with some of our phone lines which is causing delays in answering calls to some phone numbers. Read more
We are experiencing a problem with some of our phone lines which is causing delays in answering calls to some phone numbers. Read more
This department is managed by consultants who specialise in bowel-related medicine. The department investigates and treats upper and lower gastrointestinal disease, as well as diseases of the pancreas and bile duct system.
The teams work closely with endoscopy and nutritional services. Sub-specialities within the department include colorectal surgery, inflammatory bowel disease and swallowing problems.
We have endoscopy nurse specialists linked to our gastroenterology units who are able to perform a wide range of bowel investigations. Endoscopy involves a small thin tube with a camera on the end.
This is guided down the throat or up the back passage to investigate problems in your oesophagus, digestive system and large bowels. Small surgical instruments can be guided up or down in the same way, meaning it can be used for diagnosis and treatment.
Many of our services offer video calls as a more convenient way of having an appointment with one of our healthcare professionals. This reduces the need for you to attend the hospital physically.
If you have an appointment letter with a video appointment link and instructions, please read more on our Video appointments page.
We offer clinics for:
Basildon's Edith Cavell is a gastroenterology ward, call them on 01268 394622.
Colorectal Clinical Nurse Specialists – call 01268-524900 (3997).
Colorectal clinical nurse specialists - call 01245 514465.
We provide a variety of endoscopic procedures (where the inside of your body is examined internally using an endoscope; a thin, long, flexible tube that contains a light source and a video camera). For more information about this, visit https://www.nhs.uk/conditions/endoscopy.
The purpose built, JAG accredited, endoscopy unit can be contact on 01268 524 900 ext. 3970, 3987 or 1505 between 9am and 5pm, Monday to Friday.
View accessibility information about this area on the AccessAble website at https://www.accessable.co.uk/mid-and-south-essex-nhs-foundation-trust/basildon-university-hospital/access-guides/endoscopy.
If you need to speak to one of the team including about appointments, call the endoscopy reception on 01702 385096 and chose option 2. This service is open 9am to 5pm, Monday to Friday or email mse.endoscopybookingclerks.southend@nhs.net.
The Endoscopy unit is located on the level 3 of the PFI Building with the entrance at A301.
To speak to one of the team or for appointments, call 0300 443 0235.
To speak to one of the endoscopy nurses/pre-assessment endoscopy nurses call 0300 443 0234.
View accessibility information about this area on the AccessAble website at https://www.accessable.co.uk/mid-and-south-essex-nhs-foundation-trust/broomfield-hospital/access-guides/a301-endoscopy-unit.
The department has a reception area wherein patients check in for their appointments. The unit is very adherent to its objective on protecting the privacy of our patients with our single sex waiting areas prior to the procedure, a private preparation room beside all the procedure rooms and a single sex recovery area.
The department provides a variety of services and is committed on providing a safe environment and a high quality of care for our patients. We are run by specialist endoscopists and consultants who are well experienced to perform a wide range of endoscopic procedures. All Patients are cared for by staff with the relevant knowledge and skills within a pleasant, friendly, and informative environment.
The principal benefit of the service to the patient, is that they can access both inpatient and outpatient services requiring endoscopic procedures. The endoscopy unit effectively use resources to ensure patient safety by providing a high level of evidence-based care throughout the patient journey.
For more information about this, visit https://www.nhs.uk/conditions/endoscopy.
We endeavour to understand the patient as an individual and ensure their emotional, psychological, physical, cultural, and religious needs and requirements are met. Communication is open and honest with all patients, relatives, and staff, and conforms to high standards of confidentiality.
The endoscopy service is developed in line with recommendations from the following guidance: • Joint Advisory Group (JAG) and the Global Rating Scale (GRS) • NICE Guidelines for Endoscopy • Health Act 2009 • NHS Cancer Plan (DOH 2000).
The Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD) advice service is run by our nurse specialists who are will be able to offer you information, education and support about any aspect of your illness and the treatment you will receive.
Relapses of your IBD can be very unpleasant and upsetting. If you start to become unwell, contact the IBD advice line as soon as possible. We may be able to give you advice on adjusting your medication or suggest a medication to your GP so you can start treatment without the need to come to hospital. Where you need to be assessed in person, we can arrange for you to be seen in the clinic either by the IBD nurse or a doctor.
For us to be able to assess your records please include your:
IBD nurses - email mse.ibd.adviceteam@nhs.net and call the answerphone and leave a message on 01268-524900 (1499).
Appointment - for new appointments, call 01268 394994. If you need an urgent appointment, email the gastro secretary on mse.gastroenterology.medicine@nhs.net.
Blood Tests - if you have been asked to have a blood test, book by calling 01702 746065 or visit Booking blood tests at Basildon, Broomfield and Southend Hospitals.
If you run out of blood forms and should be having regular blood test, please let the IBD nurses or your GP know before your blood test is due.
IBD Clinical Nurse Specialists – call 01245 514705 or email mse.meht-ibd-advice@nhs.net open:
Complete the IBD Consent for patient electronic communications[pdf] 391KB before coming to your appointment.
A nurse may ask you to read the Patient agreement Letter for PbR excluded High Cost Drugs Protected (MSEMOC) [pdf] during the appointment and will obtain verbal consent.
If you have a question about medication changes/run out or have started treatment, please contact the team.
You can also request a blood test and stool pot form or medical letters, however, if you need a sick note please contact your GP.
IBD dieticians – call 01245 514385
Day therapies (C452) – call 01245 515009
IBD nurses - mse.ibd.helpline@nhs.net (this is a non-secure email address. By emailing us, you consent to us replying with your confidential information).
You can call the secretary of your consultant on 01702 435555 and using the extension numbers below:
Open Monday to Friday (excluding bank holidays) and we aim to reply to your query within 48-72hours.
If you are symptomatic please answer questionnaire below which will provide us an update on your symptoms https://gastroenterologysouthend.webgp.com/react-consult-outpatient?codeName=OPT_IBR
Blood tests – To book a blood test, visit Booking blood tests at Basildon, Broomfield and Southend Hospitals. If you’re concerned about your blood test, please contact the secretary of your consultant.
The stoma care team aims to meet the practical and psychological needs of stoma patients.
They provide products upon discharge and support you and your family/carers to adjust to life with a stoma; teaching you the practical skills for managing it, and enabling you to live independently with all your stoma care needs.
Stoma care nurses – call 01245 514465.
View accessibility information about this area on the AccessAble website at https://www.accessable.co.uk/mid-and-south-essex-nhs-foundation-trust/broomfield-hospital/access-guides/a306-stoma-care-unit.
Our stoma service is open Monday to Friday, 7am to 3pm.
Email mse.stomacarenursessouthend@nhs.net or call the stoma nurses on 0300 443 4286.
Upon discharge from hospital, you will be contacted by the stoma nurse within the first 3-7 days.
When attending appointments, please ensure you bring a spare pouch with you for all appointments, the nurse will usually want to review your stoma. If you cannot make an appointment please let the department know as soon as possible.
View accessibility information about this area on the AccessAble website at https://www.accessable.co.uk/mid-and-south-essex-nhs-foundation-trust/southend-university-hospital/access-guides/stoma-care.
If you’re going to have a procedure with us, find out more about what to expect in the links below:
For general information, visit www.crohnsandcolitis.org.uk.
Emotional support can be requested at helpline@crohnsandcolitis.org.uk or by calling 0300 222 5700.
Mid Essex Crohn’s & Colitis UK Group hold medical meetings twice a year. For more information, visit www.groups.crohnsandcolitis.org.uk email Me@groups.crohnsandcoltis.org.uk
Southend patient support group - is held every 3rd Wednesday of the month from 6pm to 8pm in the MacMillan Information and Support Centre, Ground Floor, Tower Wing, Southend Hospital.
IBD Passport visit www.ibdpassport.com for evidence-based travel advice for people with Crohn’s disease or ulcerative colitis.
Ileostomy and Internal Pouch Support Group visit www.iasupport.org or call 0800 0184 724.
Colostomy Association (CA) visit www.colostomyassociation.org.uk or call 0800 328 4257.
Covid-19 advice - https://crohnsandcolitis.org.uk/info-support/information-about-crohns-and-colitis/coronavirus-covid-19-information
If you’re having issues with homecare prescription, please make sure you have spoken with the delivery company first, these can be contacted on:
To view a list of our specialist consultants in this area, visit Consultants - Gastroenterology.
Research is vital to understand mechanisms and develop new treatments for inflammatory bowel disease and you can help improve healthcare by taking part in research studies at our Trust.
We are currently not recruiting for any studies, but if you would like to take part in the following trials when recruitment re-opens, please get in touch.
Alternatively, for more general information about studies, please contact the research nurses at mse.research.meht@nhs.uk.