Patient safety priority as face coverings continue at Essex hospitals

From Monday 19 July, the wearing of face coverings and visitor restrictions will remain unchanged at hospital sites across Mid and South Essex NHS Foundation Trust. This is to help keep patients and staff safe.
Staff and public attending Basildon, Broomfield and Southend hospitals and satellite sites, must continue to wear face coverings, follow social distance rules and use hand gel.
The maintaining of these rules is for the safety of patients and staff, as well as safely allowing the most vulnerable people to continue to attend hospital.
This is in line with hospitals, GP surgeries, pharmacies and other healthcare settings across the country.
Visitor restrictions will continue across the Trust, with each patient allowed one visitor during the times of 2-3pm and 6-7pm.Where patients are receiving end of life care, two visitors can be with them at any time.
Other patient groups may have other restrictions. The full Covid-19 guidance for patients and visitors can be viewed here: Coronavirus (Covid-19) information for hospital visitors | Mid and South Essex NHS Foundation Trust (