There may be delays in answering calls the the main switchboard at Basildon Hospital - read more
There may be delays in answering calls the the main switchboard at Basildon Hospital - read more
New reclining chairs are helping increase patient comfort, after almost £6,000 funding from Mid and South Essex Hospitals Charity donations.
Six reclining chairs, costing £1,800 each, have been added to Southend Hospital’s Active Home Suite, an area dedicated to patients waiting for pharmacy medications or transportation home, meaning that patients can expect a more comfortable experience whilst they wait.
Arya Palackappillil Kuriackose, Ward Manager of the Active Home Suite, said: “I would like to convey my heartfelt thanks to everyone involved for their kindness and support in buying these recliners, which has improved our services and patient experience.”
It is thanks to small donations to the general hospital funds that make initiatives like this possible. To find out more about how donating a little can make a big difference, visit: