There may be delays in answering calls the the main switchboard at Basildon Hospital - read more
There may be delays in answering calls the the main switchboard at Basildon Hospital - read more
Our neurology teams treat patients who have disorders of their nervous system.
The nervous system is composed of the central nervous system (brain, cranial nerves and spinal cord) and the peripheral nervous system which comprises of diseases of the peripheral nerves, neuromuscular junction or muscle disorders. However, Neurology is involved in diagnosis and management of a wide variety of complex diseases sometimes involving multiple systems.
If you are diagnosed with a neurological disease you will be under the care of a neurology consultant. Specific diseases also have support from specialised nurses either in hospital, community or both, depending on the area you live.
Expand the sections below to find the range of specialist services and clinics for a range of neurological conditions including:
In Basildon University Hospital and in Orsett Hospital there are specialised clinics available for Multiple Sclerosis, Epilepsy, First seizure clinic, Movement disorders clinics, MND (motor neuron disease clinic) and general neurology clinics.
There is also a connection to specialised Headache clinic that takes place in Mayflower Hospital for chronic headaches, non-responsive to usual preventative treatments.
Opening times: Monday to Friday, 9am to 5pm.
Call 01268524900 at extension numbers 3428, 3408, and 3466.
Neurology secretaries can be emailed at
Referrals can be made directly to this department from your GP.
Clinics are operated on other sites - please check your appointment letter carefully for the location of your clinic.
There is also a dissociative events clinic (non-epileptic attacks clinic) under Dr. Castle, Psychiatry consultant, which works in Neurology.
Secretaries on 01702 385137 / 01702 385504 / 01702 385269 or email
Neurology clinic reception and booking line, please call 0300 443 5113.
Tests carried out include:
Where tests are not available locally, maybe be referred to the Royal London Hospital, Queens Hospital in Romford or other tertiary centres
There is an onsite neurophysiology service where we have access to all essential neurological investigations including:
There are close links to the Royal London Hospital neurology department, which provides tertiary care services.
Service supported by Neurology Consultant and two community based clinical nurse specialists. First seizure clinic supported by specialist Doctor under supervision of Epilepsy clinic Consultant
There’s a clinical nurse specialist supported by a neurology consultant.
The epilepsy nurse, supported by an associate epilepsy practitioner, again provides comprehensive support for patients with epilepsy both as inpatients and outpatients, as well as supporting the consultant in the first fit clinic as well as running their own clinics.
MS service is supported by one consultant with specialist interest in MS, an advanced practitioner clinical nurse specialist and one clinical nurse specialist in MS.
Patients with relapses / MS flare-up symptoms are reviewed in the Acute medical unit in the same or the next day when needed or booked in a closer clinic for review and assessment for early management and avoidance of unnecessary admissions.
Clinics involve diagnostic processes, monitoring, management of acute relapses or other concerns, lifestyle advice and education, symptom management tips, disease-modifying drugs (DMDs) education and clinical trial option discussions, among others.
We run a video clinic for patients with MS that are not able to attend F2F for monitoring. This is running through AttendAnywhere clinics - the clinic link can be found in the relevant area below.
All available DMDs are prescribed but for specific DMDs patients may need to travel to Royal London Hospital which is our assigned Neuroscience centre.
Clinical Nurse Specialist are responsible for database keeping and updating, monitoring of DMDs and disease according to established protocols, prescription of DMDs and renewal of prescriptions, coordination of community services when needed, GP guidance and advice in the management of MS-related concerns, review of MS flare-ups, patients education and lifestyle advice.
Basildon participates in MS register and pregnancy MS register. MS team is involved in MS related research projects.
For changes in appointments or chasing of results, you can contact our neurology PPCs through 01268 524900 in extension numbers 3408 or 3428 or 3466 or email
For patient enquiries, please email
MS Helpline for patients with MS or relevant disorders: Telephone 01268593362 or email
MS nurses mobiles: can be contacted from Monday to Friday 9-5 pm on 07920164310 or 07786 334451.
There are two clinical nurse specialists supported by a neurology consultant.
The Multiple Sclerosis (MS) Team in Southend Hospital includes two MS nurse specialists and an MS consultant neurologist, a clinical trial manager and shared secretaries.
The MS nurses - the Neurology Matron/ Clinical Nurse Specialist/ Independent Nurse Prescriber and a MS clinical Nurse specialist – are based in Southend Hospital Neurology Outpatient Department. They work closely with a Consultant Neurologist with special interest in MS who is currently based in Barts Health but does outpatients MS clinics in Southend Hospital.
The MS team works under the umbrella of the BartsMS Team at The Royal London team – our dedicated Neurosciences centre, in weekly multidisciplinary team (MDT) discussions and decisions and CPD opportunities and we collaborate with the MS service in Basildon Hospital. There are established protocols and pathways for the prescription and use of MS disease-modifying treatments (DMTs).
In the Trust, there is a pharmacist with an interest in Neurological Treatment and MS and we are able to review the MRI scans with consultant neuroradiologists in dedicated MDT meetings.
To be reviewed in the multiple sclerosis clinic, people are referred by other consultant neurologists who have made a diagnosis of MS or referred by GPs for transfer of care from other Trusts. There are cases when a consultant neurologist will ask for a second opinion and people without MS are reviewed in the MS clinic.
We review the diagnosis, monitor MS disease activity, management of MS relapses and symptomatic problems, offer lifestyle advice and education.
The options for DMTs are discussed as well as education, support and monitoring for those treatments. We are able to treat patients with most DMTs options locally, but some treatments need to be done in the Neurology Infusion Unit at RLH in London.
There is a working pathway with the Cardiac Medical Day Stay Department in Southend Hospital for the on-going provision of DMTs that require infusion or cardiac monitoring.
There are opportunities for patients to be referred to clinical trials or symptom management clinics in tertiary centres (e.g. Spasticity Clinic at NHNN).
The nurse-led clinics happen several times each week, and for those patients too disabled, or too unwell to attend, a MS nurse telephone advice is available.
The 'urgent attender service' for people in acute exacerbation of their MS is now rarely necessary as MS relapses are fewer with higher efficacy treatments. The MS nurses aim to respond to the requests within 48 hours, for advice.
The MS Nurses are able to co-ordinate and refer to local community services when necessary, such as Continence Service or Neurophysiotherapy.etc
The MS team are involved in MS related research projects and currently encourages patients to participate in the UK MS Register, Pregnancy MS register and OPTIMISE-MS register locally and make active referrals to clinical trials in other Trusts.
The Nurse adviceline is available at 0300 443 6912.
The MS Trust - a UK charity, providing information for anyone affected by multiple sclerosis, education programmes for health professionals, funding for practical research and campaigning for specialist multiple sclerosis services.
NHS Choices - the UK’s biggest health website. It provides a comprehensive health information service to help put patients in control of their healthcare.
MS Society Helpline – the helpline gives emotional support and information to anyone living with MS. We’re here Monday to Friday, 9am to 7pm except bank holidays. Freephone: 0808 800 800 - it’s free to call from landlines and mobiles within the UK, it’s confidential and won’t show on your phone bill. Direct private messages can be sent on Facebook messenger between 9am and 5pm Monday to Friday and our confidential email service is:
The Movement Disorder clinic is supported by a Neurology consultant with specialised interest and two community-based clinic nurse specialists.
For changes in appointments or chasing of results patients can contact our neurology PPCs through 01268 524900 on extension numbers 3408 or 3428 or 3466 or email or
People with a Parkinson’s diagnosis will have either an elderly care consultant with a specialist interest in Parkinson’s or a consultant neurologist.
There is a clinical nurse specialist working on the Broomfield Hospital site who provides advice and support and runs regular clinics.
For advice, please email or call 01245 514496 for the Neuropsychiatrist secretary or 01245 514099 for the consultant Neurosurgeon's secretary.
The Parkinson's disease nurses provide support to the patients similarly and run regular clinics and liaise regularly with their patient's Neurologist.
For clinics, call 01268 524900 and use the extension 3408.
Our service can investigate migraines and headaches of all types, plus facial pain.
Specialised headache clinic is provided in Mayflower Hospital for chronic migraines and complex headaches non-responsive to at least two of usual preventative treatment options or facial pain. Clinic is supported by Neurology Consultant with specialised interest in headaches.
Provides advice on specialised treatments not available in our hospitals such as BOTOX for migraine management, Occipital nerve block, advice and assessment on monoclonal antibodies and advice in extracorporeal devices among others.
Referrals are done via your GP. Patients enqueries - 01268 524900 in extension numbers 3408 or 3428 or 3466 or email or
To view a list of our specialist consultants in this area, visit Consultants - Neurology.
We actively support research and has academic links with Queen Mary University, London and The Royal London Hospital.