The sleep and ventilation medicine service provides rapid diagnosis of various sleep problems and help to identify the most appropriate treatment.
The service provides expertise in the diagnosis and management of ventilatory disorders during sleep, including:
- obstructive sleep apnoea syndrome
- sleep disordered breathing
- hypoventilation syndromes
- assessment of respiratory failure secondary to a variety of conditions.
We offer a full range of diagnostics and treatment options including:
- Inpatient sleep studies (partial polysomnography)
- Home sleep studies (partial polysomnography)
- Full inpatient polysomnography (from June 2014)
- Individual and group treatment
- Assessment for nocturnal oxygen
- Blood gas analysis
- Non-Invasive ventilation (CPAP and)
- Non-Invasive ventilation (BiPAP)
- Lifestyle advice and health education.
Patients with confirmed obstructive sleep apnoea are offered CPAP treatment, as appropriate, and are supported by our clinical team, qualified physiologists and senior nurses.
The service is for patients who suffer with excessive daytime sleepiness, snoring, morning headaches, restless legs, non-restorative sleep and awakening gasping for breath.
We also treat patients with chronic respiratory failure secondary to COPD on home non-invasive ventilation.
Patients with chronic respiratory failure (COPD or motor neurone disease) will be treated with home ventilation from the department.
Our sleep apnoea service based at Southend is one of the largest in the UK and we have a 'hospital at home' scheme for our COPD patients.
Contact us
Call 01268 524900 using extension 4033.
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