About the Shine Awards

Taking place annually, the Shine Awards recognise and celebrate the extraordinary work of staff at Mid and South Essex NHS Foundation Trust.

There are eight award categories to choose from and anyone can submit a nomination, including colleagues, patients, carers, patient relatives etc.

Shine Awards criteria

It's important that Shine Awards nominees represent the best of Mid and South Essex NHS Foundation Trust, so the award criteria are made up of our values and behaviours, our three-year goals and strategic objectives.

Visit our About Us section to find out more about the Trust's purpose and ambitions.

Each category has its own set of criteria points, and these will be used by:

  • our volunteer scorers
  • our judging panel

Please read the criteria before nominating a member of staff, as this will better their opportunity at winning an award.

For any help or assistance with your nomination, please email mse.communications@nhs.net.

Leadership award (individual)

To consider evidence of: 

  • An individual who inspires, motivates and encourages colleagues to bring about change, improvement or innovation, championing equality and inclusion, and who: 

Values and behaviours (nominee displays these behaviours): 

  • Communicates in an open, accurate and straightforward way 

  • Finds opportunities to take positive action to improve and innovate 

  • Takes time to listen and learn from others, openly shares own knowledge and experience 

  • Celebrates successes achieved together – and builds positivity by encouraging others 

  • Takes time to get to know people and the value they bring (regardless of race, age, disability, gender, sexual orientation, marital status, caring responsibilities, religion or belief) 

  • Speaks up and takes action when they see a lack of inclusion 

Three-year goals and strategic objectives (nominee are working towards these Trust goals): 

  • Strategic objective three: Enhance the skills and confidence of our people to realise the benefits of innovation and technology for them and our patients. 

  • Strategic objective four: Value our people through structured and supportive conversations about health, wellbeing and individual development between them and their manager. 

  • Strategic objective five: Embed the Trust’s values of excellent, compassionate and respectful behaviour, leading to improved engagement and retention. 

Spotlight award (team or individual)

To consider evidence of: 

A team or individual whose vital work to support delivery of high quality services, can sometimes go unnoticed, and who: 

Values and behaviours (nominee displays these behaviours): 

  • Finds opportunities to take positive action to improve and innovate 

  • Shows commitment to working with and supporting others as part of a team 

  • Builds relationships of trust with colleagues and/or patients 

Three-year goals and strategic objectives (nominee are working towards these Trust goals): 

  • High quality local services: Build local services that are high quality and integrated 

  • Strategic objective five: Embed the Trusts’ values of excellent, compassionate and respectful behaviour, leading to improved engagement and retention. 

Partnership award (team or individual)

To consider evidence of: 

  • A team or individual working collaboratively and across team, professional or organisational boundaries to improve services, and who: 

Values and behaviours (nominee displays these behaviours): 

  • Prioritises working with others on shared goals 

  • Builds relationships of trust with colleagues and/or patients 

  • Takes time to listen and learn from others, openly shares own knowledge and experience 

  • Does what they say they will and communicates openly about challenges with team or partners 

Three-year goals and strategic objectives (nominee are working towards these Trust goals): 

  • High quality local services: Build local services that are high quality and integrated 

  • Strategic objective three: Enhance the skills and confidence of our people to realise the benefits of innovation and technology for them and our patients. 

  • Strategic objective five: Embed the Trust’s values of excellent, compassionate and respectful behaviour, leading to improved engagement and retention. 

Improving value award (team or individual)

To consider evidence of: 

Recognising a team or individual who has demonstrated their commitment to making the best use of financial resources while sustaining high-quality patient care, by delivering better and more efficient ways of working.

Values and behaviours (nominee displays these behaviours): 

  • Finds opportunities to take positive action to improve and innovate 
  • Prioritises working with others on shared goals

  • Regularly reviews what they do to improve personal performance

Three-year goals and strategic objectives (nominee are working towards these Trust goals): 

  • High quality local services: Build local services that are high quality and integrated 

  • Opportunities for our staff: Invest in becoming an employer where everyone has an opportunity to grow, innovate and improve 

  • Strategic objective five: Improving value in all we do and maximising the opportunity of digital.

Patient Champion award (team or individual)

To consider evidence of: 

Recognising a team or individual who exceeds expectations to support patients with access to excellent and compassionate care from our services, and who: 

Values and behaviours (nominee displays these behaviours): 

  • Builds relationships of trust with colleagues and/or patients 

  • Takes personal responsibility for their role in delivering compassionate care 

  • Takes time to get to know people and the value they bring (regardless of race, age, disability, gender, sexual orientation, marital status, caring responsibilities, religion or belief) 

Three-year goals and strategic objectives (nominee are working towards these Trust goals): 

  • Equitable access: Driving equity as our priority, including in specialist services, taking advantage of digital. 

  • Strategic objective one: Keep our patients safe every day by minimising avoidable harm and maintaining appropriate numbers of skilled and capable staff in all the places we provide care. 

Making a Difference award (team or individual)

To consider evidence of: 

  • A team or individual who go above and beyond expectations to always deliver high quality customer service which improves the experience of patients, colleagues, visitors and/or carers with a focus on kindness, dignity and inclusion, and who: 

Values and behaviours (nominee displays these behaviours): 

  • Finds opportunities to take positive action to improve and innovate 

  • Acts with kindness, towards self and others 

  • Takes personal responsibility for their role in delivering compassionate care 

  • Protects the dignity of others and respects their interests and perspectives 

Three-year goals and strategic objectives (nominee are working towards these Trust goals): 

  • High quality local services: Build local services that are high quality and integrated 

  • Equitable access: Driving equity as our priority, including in specialist services, taking advantage of digital. 

  • Strategic objective one: Keep our patients safe every day by minimising avoidable harm and maintaining appropriate numbers of skilled and capable staff in all the places we provide care. 

Rising Star award (individual)

To consider evidence of: 

  • An exceptional student, trainee, apprentice or someone in a development role (clinical or non-clinical), who demonstrates their commitment to learning and developing in their career with the NHS, and who: 

Values and behaviours (nominee displays these behaviours): 

  • Regularly reviews own work and their approach to improve personal performance 

  • Seeks out and acts upon feedback from colleagues, patients and visitors 

  • Committed to working with and supporting others as part of a team 

  • Brings a positive attitude to their working day and asks for support when they are not feeling at their best 

Three-year goals and strategic objectives (nominee are working towards these Trust goals): 

  • High quality local services: Build local services that are high quality and integrated 

  • Strategic objective five: Embed the Trust’s values of excellent, compassionate and respectful behaviour, leading to improved engagement and retention. 

Outstanding Achievement award (individual)

To consider evidence of: 

  • An individual whose skills and actions have helped the Trust exceed quality objectives for the continuous improvement of patient outcomes, experience, safety or staff wellbeing, and who: 

Values and behaviours (nominee displays these behaviours): 

  • Makes sure they have clear objectives, that are linked to the goals of their team and the Trust, and that support excellence within their role 

  • Regularly reviews own work and their approach to improve personal performance 

  • Builds relationships of trust with colleagues and/or patients 

Three-year goals and strategic objectives (nominee are working towards these Trust goals): 

  • High quality local services: Build local services that are high quality and integrated 

  • Strategic objective one: Keep our patients safe every day by minimising avoidable harm and maintaining appropriate numbers of skilled and capable staff in all the places we provide care. 

Outstanding Achievement award (team)

To consider evidence of: 

  • A team whose skills and actions have helped the Trust exceed quality objectives for the continuous improvement of patient outcomes, experience, safety or staff wellbeing, and who: 

Values and behaviours (nominee displays these behaviours): 

  • Makes sure they have clear objectives, linked to the goals of the team and the Trust, and that support excellence  

  • Are committed to working with and supporting others as part of a team 

  • Involves others with decision making (patients and colleagues) – particularly if it has a direct impact on them 

  • Adapts approach according to team individuals and situations faced together 

  • Prioritises working with each other on shared goals 

Three-year goals and strategic objectives (nominee are working towards these Trust goals): 

  • High quality local services: Build local services that are high quality and integrated 

  • Strategic objective one: Keep our patients safe every day by minimising avoidable harm and maintaining appropriate numbers of skilled and capable staff in all the places we provide care. 

What happens to your nomination?

The Communications team work hard to make sure the judging and scoring process is fair.

The details in your nomination will only be shared with the communications team and judging panel for shortlisting purposes. If your nominee is shortlisted, we'll share the summary of your nomination with you before releasing it publicly.

When nominations close, the team sift through each nomination making sure they qualify for the awards - this includes checking nominations are submitted into the correct category and nominees work at the Trust.

Following this, a team of volunteer staff score each nominee from 1 to 10 in each category using the criteria. Nominees with top marks become our longlist/highly commended which is put forward to a panel of judges facilitated by Matthew Hopkins, Chief Executive.

Back to the list

If my team are a finalist, how many members can attend the awards event?

In the past we have been able to invite ten members of each finalist team. This information is shared with our guests when they are invited to the awards.

  1. Shine awards