Theatre Admissions Day Surgery Unit

Procedures and Location


The Theatre Admissions Day Unit carries out Pre and Post-operative care for all day surgeries. Safely discharging on the same day as per surgeons advice and admission and pre-operative care for all the major surgeries.



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The Theatre Admissions Day Unit (TADSU) is located on floor 3 of A zone (A301) and the Day Surgery Unit (DSU) is located on floor 4 of B zone (B448). 


You may want to bring something to keep you entertained while you wait this could be your phone, ipad, books or magazines.

A small cabin sized overnight bag, in the event you need to stay longer with us a larger bag can be organised with family later if need. Please do not bring any food, alcohol, cash, jewellery or other valuables with you.

Any mobility aids, minimum supply of medication you are currently taking and if applicable your glasses or contact lenses and hearing aid. 

You will need your admission letter and contact details for your GP as well as your next of kin.

What to remember

When you attend the Theatre Admissions Day Unit please remember to inform family and friends where you are going. You should arrange for someone to collect you and also arrange any support you may need at home after the procedure.

When you arrive

You may have to wait depending on how long each procedure prior to yours lasts. Please be patient, entertainment will come in handy.

You will also meet a doctor from the anaesthetic team. They will determine the best anaesthesia for you from your current health and medication. You can discuss any concerns about anaesthesia here.

Once booked in by the reception staff, you will be escorted to the unit by a nurse, on the unit there a few cubicles, used for carrying out the admission process and meeting the team.

The rest of the time you will be waiting in the waiting area on a recliner chair in the allocated Male/Female area.

The nurse will measure your vital signs and complete a pre-operative checklist.

You will need to wear a hospital gown and may need to wear anti-embolism stockings.

The team performing the operation will then see you and answer any questions.

The Operating Theatre

You can walk into the operating theatre or be wheeled in on a trolley. In the theatre you will find lots of bright lights and technology, along with people dressed in blue/raspberry theatre clothes.

This is the team which will be looking after you, we use a World Health Organisation (WHO) checklist to ensure everything runs smoothly.

You will meet the nurses, doctors and aneasthetists who will be performing the procedure, it is normal to feel nervous however the team will be there to support you the whole way.

The Recovery Process

This is where you are taken after the operation to wake up. You will have one-to-one nursing care while you are here.

A nurse or anaesthetist will ensure your pain is controlled and treat any nausea.

The anaesthetist and recovery nurse ensure all the relevant information about what happened in the theatre is passed on.

Going to the ward

Once you are awake, we take you back to the ward, where the nurses will continue with your care and monitor your progress.

You will be offered light refreshments, while we prepare pain killers and other medicine for you to take away.

You will only be allowed to leave once you are fully awake and any pain and nausea is under control.

You are able to tolerate food/drink orally as indicated post-operative, you should be able to pass urine prior to discharge. This may take a couple of hours.


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Going home

You should be able to leave the same day as your surgery.

You should make your own transport arrangements to get home.

If you think you may need to be escorted home, please tell us in advance.

We will give you:

Confirmation of the arrangements made for you, and telephone numbers you may need if you require further information.

We may give you:

Copy of discharge summary.

Advice sheet relevant to the procedure – explaining the Do’s and Don’t’s list.

Adequate supply of tablets, as prescribed, with a letter to your GP so that they can arrange a repeat prescription.