Thoracic surgery

The prevention, early diagnosis and treatment of (non-cardiac) diseases of the chest is called thoracic treatment.

We offer the following thoracic services:

Airway surgery

We offer different surgical treatments to the airway, including the removal of the windpipe and treatment of abnormal connection between the esophagus and the windpipe.

We also offer cryotherapy, endobronchial resection, flexible and rigid bronchoscopy and stenting for  endobronchial airway issues.

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A bronchoscopy procedure is where we use a small flexible telescope to investigate your airways.

The telescope goes into your mouth and down into your windpipe so that the surgeon can examine your airways. They will then take a small sample of tissue (biopsy) to find out what is causing your symptoms.

This is usually carried out under general anaesthetic to make it as comfortable for you as possible.

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Chest wall surgery

If you have been diagnosed with cancer, we can remove the tumour (primary and secondary) and repair the chest wall through surgery.

We also offer chest wall reconstruction and stabilisation after surgery.

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Complex lung resections

We also offer the more complex type of resections pf the lung. This can include sleeve resections, other moderate surgery and resections for the heart or great vessels.

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Investigation and management of pleural diseases

Pleurisy is inflammation around the lungs which causes sharp chest pain.

We offer an 'easy-access pleural service' that makes your diagnosis and treatment as simple for you as possible.

You will get expert advice on your diagnosis, the treatments you'll need and how to manage your symptoms going forward.

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Lung cancer

If you have lung cancer, you will be referred to us.

All cases are discussed by our multidisciplinary team  and if appropriate, we may be able to offer surgery supported by additional treatments such as chemotherapy and radiotherapy.

We're also asked for second opinions and consider patients for surgery when other treatment options have been unsuccessful.

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Lung volume reduction surgery

This treatment removes poorly functioning parts of the lung to allow the rest of the lung to work better. This also reduces the effort needed to breathe.

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This is an examination of the lymph nodes, using a short endoscope (a small flexible telescope). The endoscope is passed through a small incision made at the base of the neck under the chin. A mediastinoscopy is carried out under general anaesthetic.

We offer a range of operations for tumors and in the mediastinum.

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A metastasectomy is the removal of secondary cancer growths in the chest.

If you have this, you will be carefully assessed and if you qualify and the team decide that this is the best treatment for you, we will perform a resection of these tumors.

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Minimal access surgery

Minimal access surgery is where we will use keyhole surgery which is less invasive than full surgery.

This is carried out with the help of a small telescope which helps our surgeons to see. This is also known as  video-assisted (VAT) surgery.

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Open lung biopsy

A small incision is made in the chest so we can take samples of tissue (biopsies), to find out what is causing your symptoms.

This is carried out under a general anaesthetic to make you more comfortable. Following this, you may need to have a chest drain which is where a tube is inserted following to drain fluid or air.

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Pectus surgery

Pectus excavatum is a structural deformity of the sternum and rib cage.

We offer pectus operations and work with with our plastic surgery colleagues to make sure you get the best results.

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Surgery for patients with reduced lung function

If your lungs are not working correctly, you may not be able to be operated on.

If this is the case, we will try to improve your breathing and other illnesses to see if you can tolerate an operation. 

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Thoracic sarcoma

Sarcoma is a type of tumour. 

We work with oncologists who also have a special interest in this area, to make sure you get the best treatment plan for you.

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This is an investigation of the inside of the chest area, using an a small flexible telescope. 

This is inserted through your chest wall so the surgeon can examine the area and take a small sample of tissue.

This is also carried out under general anaesthetic to make it as comfortable as possible for you. A chest drain may also be need to drain fluid or air.

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A thoracotomy is an operation which involves making an incision into the chest wall (thorax). This allows the surgeon to operate on your lung. Some of the procedures the surgeon may carry out include:

  • Lobectomy  the removal of a part (a lobe) of the lung.
  • Pneumonectomy – the removal of an entire lung.
  • Pleurectomy – the removal of the lining of the chest wall (called the pleura), to allow the lung to 'stick' to the chest wall. This procedure is carried out for persistent collapse of the lung (pneumothorax).
  • Decortication  the removal of any pus or debris from the lining of the lung. This procedure is carried out under general anaesthetic.

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Clinical perfusion

Clinical perfusion involves giving heart and lung support using a machine.

 If blood is not passing through the heart and lungs the function that these organs provide needs to be replaced. This is done artificially. Blood is filtered, pumped, oxygen is added, carbon dioxide is removed and the temperature is controlled.

Without this, nearly all cardiac surgery cannot take place.

Blood is important to fighting infection and promoting healing. We use state-of-the-art perfusion technology to make the artificial heart and lung support as similar to normal bodily function. 

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