We only accept referrals from GPs and healthcare professionals.
Newly diagnosed babies with cleft lip and palate
- Contact our Clinical Nurse Specialists immediately after birth on 01245 516029. Please leave a voicemail if you are not able to speak to someone.
- Complete the North Thames Referral Form [doc] 2MB
- Email the completed referral form to mse.midessexcleftservice@nhs.net.
Our standard is that the Clinical Nurse Specialists will aim to see new babies within 24 hours of referral. A delay in referral will prevent babies being seen and assessed (please see cleft protocol).
Referral of mothers diagnosed antenatally
- Contact our Clinical Nurse Specialists immediately on 01245 516029. Please leave a voicemail if you are not able to speak to someone.
- Email referral to mse.midessexcleftservice@nhs.net
We aim to contact mothers following antenatal diagnosis of a baby with a cleft within 24 hours.
Other referrals
Other patients (children and adults) with cleft lip and palate.
Patients with velopharyngeal dysfunction.
Related craniofacial anomalies.
Send referral letters to mse.midessexcleftservice@nhs.net.