Cancer champions engagement committee

If you have been affected by cancer in the last five years, you can help us to shape and influence cancer care across mid and south Essex.

By getting involved and sharing your story - what went well and what didn't go well - you can help us to improve the care we provide to people like you.

We're looking to continually improve and we need your help to do this!

By becoming a cancer champion, you can help us by

  • Telling us your story
  • Joining the committee
  • Working on cancer projects
  • Providing feedback - all input is valuable!

Feel empowered to make a difference together

Cancer engagement committee poster[pdf] 142KB

Join us

Please complete the form if you would like to become a cancer champion or share your story:

Cancer Champions

Note: Questions marked by * are mandatory

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*This is a mandatory field. Would you like to become a member?
*This is a mandatory field. Would you like to share your experience?

Mid Essex Cancer services user group

We support and actively encourage our patients and carers to get involved with the delivery and development of cancer services. Find out how you can take part and influence the delivery of our services at