Teenage and young adults

A young male adult in a dark shirt and cap half smiling at the camera, surrouded by two other young adults. Black and white image.

Our teenage and young adult service offers specialist, age-appropriate care to people aged 16 to 24 who have been diagnosed with cancer, living in Mid and South Essex.

This support is in addition to the treatment you receive from experts in your type of cancer. 

We work very closely with medical teams and your cancer teams to look after your cancer diagnosis.

We understand how cancer at this age can impact your education, employment and personal development. 

Your key worker is your point of contact – A key worker could be either a nurse or other health care professional. They will support you and your family through your treatment. They can:

  • come to clinic appointments with you
  • give you information and support about your treatment and side effects
  • speak to doctors for you
  • visit you at home
  • give information to community nursing teams about your care when necessary
  • provide emotional and psychological support.

Contact us

You can call the clinical nurse specialist between 8am and 5pm, Monday to Friday on 07557 164299.

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