We are experiencing a problem with some of our phone lines which is causing delays in answering calls to some phone numbers. Read more
We are experiencing a problem with some of our phone lines which is causing delays in answering calls to some phone numbers. Read more
Sarcomas are malignant tumours derived from mesenchymal cells. This includes cells in bone, cartilage, blood vessels, muscle, fat, nerves and connective tissue, including in the organs, and can develop at any site in the body.
To find out more information about this, visit https://www.nhs.uk/conditions/soft-tissue-sarcoma/what-is-soft-tissue-sarcoma.
We are currently not a diagnostic centre for sarcoma. All referrals for suspected sarcoma are sent directly to the London sarcoma service, which is based at both University College London Hospital and the Royal National Orthopaedic Hospital.
We offer a Monday to Friday inpatient and outpatient service for adults based at Southend Hospital, including a weekly sarcoma clinic offering surveillance up to 10 years:
If you have any questions relating to your sarcoma diagnosis, call us on 07342 072773 or email shn-tr.sarcomacancerteam@nhs.net.
Sarcoma UK – visit https://www.sarcoma.org.uk
Teenage Cancer Trust - https://www.teenagecancertrust.org